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Fr. Jose Luis Saldanha

Ordained 17th Nov. 1973


Fr. Saldanha's 40th Anniversary 40 years of Priesthood

Nov. 17th 2013


The Word was made Flesh, And dwelt amongst us!
(John 1:14)

Christ, I am ready now!
Ready to get lost in the evangel
of people’s bodies!

Please pray for Fr. Jose Luis Saldanha as he celebrates 40 years of Priesthood.

Nairobi, 17th November, 2013

“The Word was made Flesh,
And dwelt amongst us!” (John 1:14)

The Priest is part of the greatest event in History! In the Incarnation, the Invisible God took Flesh, and walked on earth. In Jesus, we saw and felt God’s Love and Compassion. Having accomplished the work of Salvation, Jesus ascended to Heaven. But He did not leave us orphans. In the anointed hands of the Priest, Jesus is made visible daily on our altars, and in Communion He is Food and Drink to sustain us on our pilgrim way to our Eternal Home.

In this Real Presence, Jesus exists because of the Priest. From the day the Sacred Oil touched his hands, the Priest becomes Christ, and his ministry does not end on the altar – he is called to show the very Heart of God to the People he serves. Jesus walks amongst His People again, and assures them that He is with them to the end of time.

As I celebrate forty years of Priesthood, I am well aware of this great miracle – that I, a mere human, am invited to make present, in and through my life, a God that wants to be near His People. I feel the awesome Power that courses through my very Being. But this Power is as the result not of any strength of mine, but because God accepts my weakness and vulnerability. In my Priesthood, I am Christ who humiliates Himself to become Man and accepts death on the Cross.

Yes, the Priest has immense Power, but in the end, through him, God wants to touch His People in humility and simplicity.

God has chosen me not because of my strengths, few as they are, but because He desires to make His People feel comfortable – if He has invited one such as me, then surely EVERYONE should feel God is near to them!

I ask you to join me in thanking God for revealing His Heart and Intention in the gift of the Priesthood to His Precious People. I strive daily not to seek my own sanctity but to assure all that God searches out the sinner. A Priest, like God, does not discriminate between Prince and Pauper, and is at home in palaces and hovels. God’s Presence in His Priest does not judge or reject, but accepts and embraces. The gift of Wisdom is mine for the asking, but rather than lord it over people, I must be a fool for Christ!

In truth, the Priesthood is unique, and it touches the very core of the Trinity. But a Priest, like Christ Himself, blesses and praises every aspect of human existence. People recognize their own unique vocations in life, in family, work and helping each other. A Priest is the catalyst who reaches out with tentacles of Grace to bless and encourage, participating in joy and sorrow, in laughter and tears. The Kingdom is all encompassing. Without a doubt my happiness is multiplied as I witness not only the strong faith that leads people to me, to receive the Food from Heaven that sustains and nourishes them; and to be forgiven, healed and comforted in the sacraments; but also because of their enthusiasm in which they bring success and beauty to the world we live in. The Kingdom is truly made present because of all our efforts, yours and mine!

So, my anniversary is a chance to meditate on all this and marvel at how much God Loves and Cares for us. I will spend the day itself quietly in prayer and reflection. I will offer my usual Mass in thanksgiving. I will carry each of you in my heart on the altar. Thank you for your abiding love, care and friendship. May God bless you and all your loved ones.

Love and God Bless.

Father Jose Luis Saldanha