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Fr. Jose Luis Saldanha

Ordained 17th Nov. 1973


Messages for Fr. Saldanha He Would Love to Hear From You

Being the people person that Fr. Saldanha is, you can help him celebrate this milestone event by either posting a public message, which will be listed on this page, or sending him a private message, which will only be delivered to him.  You can also choose to do both. 

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76 entries.
Edwin Muthomi Edwin Muthomi from Nairobi wrote on January 16, 2024 at 8:49 am
Hi Father, I was very happy after reading your witness after the anniversary. I’m even happier listening to you during our monthly mass after the charity work. I’m so moved by your great certainty that Jesus is present, and I’m more convinced when you address Him as our Elder Brother in faith. I ask from the Lord this certainty that He is present in my Here and now. I love it when you say, “To be part of the Priesthood is my honor but I do realize that I cannot exist in a vacuum – in a way I kick the ball and the people catch it and RUN WITH IT! Run with it in their daily lives of service in the family, the office, in social clubs, in friendships. In the end, it is God kicking the ball!” I wish you beautiful days, Father! Don’t forget, “I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep!”
Ivan and Debbie araujo Ivan and Debbie araujo from Toronto, Canada wrote on November 23, 2023 at 3:32 am
Warmest congrats from us both. I was in class with your brother Leandro; and my brother Alfred, I believe, was in class with you. How the years have flown! Just reading all the congratulatory messages is so touching and heart-warming -- just like the impact I know you have had on your flock. May God continue to hold you in the palm of His Hand...
Teresa Mendes Teresa Mendes from Melbourne wrote on November 21, 2023 at 2:05 am
Congratulations on your golden jubilee. Thank you for your devotion to the Lord & his church. May He continue to keep honouring you & grant you grace fo all you do.
Dr Malachy De Souza M.D. Dr Malachy De Souza M.D. from Nairobi wrote on November 20, 2023 at 9:59 am
My congratulations on your Golden Jubilee and I was united to your Mass on 18 November, 2023. I could not attend the Mass as I was suddenly indisposed and had to take to bed. I offered the pain suffered for you and your faithfulness. Fr John Shaw added his congratulations from Mombasa as he tried ringing you to no avail.
June Noronha June Noronha from St Paul, USA wrote on November 18, 2023 at 7:14 pm
Dear Luis, Sending you warm congratulations for this singular milestone. We all, your family, friends, colleagues and various communities have benefited from your care, your attention to our hopes and dreams, your keeping in touch, your remembering important life events, your prayers and your blessings. Thank you mostly for your friendship and care for Mummy (Noronha). Your support meant the world to all of us in the family. May all your blessings and kindnesses come back to you many times over!
Evita and Evaan Francia Evita and Evaan Francia from Dubai, UAE wrote on November 18, 2023 at 7:11 pm
Greetings on your Golden Jubilee! Father, I think back to my first day for the Taize preparations in Kenya in 2008. Since our brief conversation that day after mass, I have had friendship, support, and unwavering listening ear from you for more than 15 years, through my life. With Evaan my son, you listen with patience, offering encouragement and support. May God always surround you with health, joy, and happiness. Just as HE has led you to touch lives in the same way that you have touched ours. We love you for who you are! Congratulations on your Golden Jubilee!! With lots of prayers, love and hugs from Elizabeth - my mom, Tijo, Evaan and Evita! God bless you always.
Jenny and Walter Lima Jenny and Walter Lima from UK wrote on November 18, 2023 at 12:50 pm
Dear Fr. Luis Congratulations on 50 glorious years of Priesthood. What an honour and blessing to have served our Lord Jesus and the Church, giving generously to your parishioners, enlightening their lives with hope and love. May the Lord continue to bless you with many more years of good health, Joy, Peace and happiness to carry on His good work in the community. It was a pleasure to have met you in Feb. 1987 and have kept in touch since especially at Christmas. Enjoy your Golden Jubilee celebration. With love from Jenny, Walter and family
Martyn, Daniela and family Martyn, Daniela and family from London wrote on November 18, 2023 at 12:34 pm
Dearest Father Louis, Wishing you heart felt congratulations, love and happiness on your Jubilee celebrations!! We wish we could be with you to celebrate in person and look forward to the time when we can introduce you to our new and growing family. Thank you so much for all that you do, the kindness and support you have given us over the years. The world is a better place with youand we will never forget the times we have spent together. Much love and speak soon
Tony Reg and Rebecca DSouza Tony Reg and Rebecca DSouza from Sydney Australia wrote on November 18, 2023 at 4:21 am
Dearest Luis Approximately 65 years ago we served mass together and I remember we senior servers took advantage of the junior ones with our arrogant and selfish attitude. You however obediently and with an endearing smile did as ordered unlike some of the rebellious others Little did we realise that your vocational journey had just begun. You have developed into the true shepherd caring for all his flock irrespective of saint or sinners. Your synodal journey of listening, dialogue and discernment has awakened in many of us a spiritual calling. We thank you for your patience and love. You truly know what it means to carry your cross and love it. Congratulations mate and God's choicest blessings on you and your flock. Love from Downunder Tony Reg and Rebecca.
Arlene Johnson Arlene Johnson from Paso Robles, California wrote on November 18, 2023 at 4:10 am
Do wonderfully warm, thoughtful, ever loving, human being, and priest. Thank you for being a family family friend, for never forgetting our birthdays, our parents date of death, and for always, including all of us in your prayers.
Cynthia and Mike Fernandes Cynthia and Mike Fernandes from Toronto wrote on November 18, 2023 at 3:20 am
Jesus needed someone special to care for His flock, and so He created YOU! You are a blessing and inspiration to all, dearest Father Luis, and you bring love, light and goodness to all who are privileged to know you. Please continue to lift us and our families in prayer. We send our living 'Saint Luis' endless love and great big congratulatory hugs!
Maurice dos Remedios Maurice dos Remedios from Toronto wrote on November 18, 2023 at 2:36 am
Congratulations Fr. Luis on your fifty golden treasured years, you’ve served God well each day. You’ve given guidance, help, and strength to others on life’s way. May the Lord in His goodness richly bless you. May he bring you peace of mind and heart. May He give you joy as you celebrate your 50th Ordination Anniversary. God bless. Margarita n Maurice
Irene Balzan MMM Irene Balzan MMM from Ireland wrote on November 17, 2023 at 10:53 pm
Dear Fr. Saldanha, Greetings and congratulations! On this day I rejoice and celebrate with you. Your heart must be full of gratitude today for the God who walks with us. Congratulations on your Golden Jubilee! May you know goodness and kindness and may God continue to bless all those whose lives you have touched and continue to touch in your lifetime. United with you in a special way tomorrow.
Victoria and Mark Victoria and Mark from Geneva, Switzerland wrote on November 17, 2023 at 10:38 pm
Dearest Father Luis, Warmest congratulations on your golden anniversary of priesthood. Thank you for sharing the story of your life through this web site. You are absolutely amazing. We know how difficult it is to use screen readers, MS-Word and other software yet you have mastered these tools and you continue to use them churning out so much interesting and spiritual guidance every week on Facebook. You also remember dates, birthdays, details of each and every one of us. You are such an inspiration. It is truly a blessing to have you in our lives. You knew my late father (Pius Menezes) already in the 50s when he showed you a film with Jesus. Then you knew my late Mum (Quitty Menezes) in later years and we had the honor of you co-celebrating at her Kenya funeral Mass earlier this year, including at the private burial of her ashes into Dad's grave. Thank you for being part of this important ceremony of her funeral Mass and burial at the graveside. Thank you for always being there for us. Thank you for your guidance and love. Wishing you all the best, a wonderful celebration and above all, the best of health. Most affectionately, Victoria Elizabeth (Coco) and Mark
Moses Kiarie Moses Kiarie from Dubai wrote on November 17, 2023 at 10:32 pm
Dear Father Saldana, Hearty congratulations on your Golden Jubilee. You instilled life long lessons in my High School years at Queens. May the good Lord continue to keep you and bless you richly.
John Dsouza John Dsouza from Leicester wrote on November 17, 2023 at 9:33 pm
Dear Fr. Luis Congratulations on your golden jubilee anniversary. May you be blessed with all that life has to offer you. Good health and happiness always. Love John and Bernie
Robina Robina from Nairobi wrote on November 17, 2023 at 6:09 pm
50 yrs sarving God father luis am happy for you may God bless u
Erika Erika from Toronto wrote on November 17, 2023 at 4:50 pm
Dear Father Luis, what a wonderful occasion to celebrate the blessings of 50 golden treasured years; you've served God well each day, you’ve given guidance, help, and strength to others on life's way. Our family is blessed to have your presence in our lives because of my mom Alba (RIP). Throughout the years, your words have been a source of solace, your actions, a testament to compassion, and your presence, a reminder of the divine grace that guides us all. For the faith and courage that you have shown, for every deed and prayer, God bless you now and every day and keep you in his care. Thank you for your presence in our lives. As you stand at the altar of this significant milestone, may you feel the warmth of our collective gratitude, and love. God Bless you with a jubilant heart on your jubilee anniversary! Congratulations!
Elisa Elisa from London wrote on November 17, 2023 at 12:48 pm
Dear Father Luis, Abby, Catherine and I send you our heartiest congratulations on this very special day - the Golden Jubilee of your priesthood. We wish you good health and May God bless you always.
Rose Fernandes Rose Fernandes from Nairobi, Kenya wrote on November 17, 2023 at 11:00 am
My dearest treasured Father Luis. Words actually fail me! You have always been a tremendous support to me and my entire family but especially since my darling Cypie left for his home in heaven. You mean the world to us! Congratulations on your Golden Jubilee!
Marilyn Marilyn from Melbourne wrote on November 17, 2023 at 7:30 am
Fr Luis, You have dedicated your life to Christ and have followed your calling for 50 years. May God Bless You for your compassion and devoted service. Heartiest Congratulations!
Carmen & Coney Pereira Carmen & Coney Pereira from Toronto wrote on November 17, 2023 at 6:10 am
Dear Father Luis Heartiest Congratulations on the golden jubilee of your priesthood. On this joyous occasion we celebrate the immense impact you have made on the lives of countless of God's people. What a blessing you are to us all! For our part, we thank you sincerely for your love and support and the masses and prayers offered for Coney's recovery last year. May your Ministry continue to provide hope, healing and spiritual guidance to all who come into contact with you. And may Our Lord richly bless you today and for many more years to come. Much love Carmen & Coney
Anne Kahiga Anne Kahiga from Nairobi wrote on November 16, 2023 at 9:12 pm
Congratulations Fr. Luis as you celebrate your 50th anniversary in the service of our Lord. May Jehovah continue filling you with more grace and strength as you serve God through mankind. God bless you Fr.
Brigid McDermott Brigid McDermott from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada wrote on November 16, 2023 at 7:26 pm
Dear Fr. Luis. Congratulations on your Golden Jubilee. We are all blessed by the fact that on reflecting on your 50 years as a priest you talk about joy so much. There must have been many hardships along the way but it seems you remember mostly the good stuff. I pray that you will continue to inspire us in this way.
Marco Amoruso Marco Amoruso from Nairobi wrote on November 16, 2023 at 7:16 pm
Dear Father Saldanha, thank you for your witness of a life full of joy and peace like one who lacks nothing because he is fulfilled with the friendship of Christ. I also wish to be evermore conquered by His sweet presence in my life!
Philomena, Benjamin and Michael Philomena, Benjamin and Michael from Maryland,USA wrote on November 16, 2023 at 4:42 pm
Congratulations for 50 years in priesthood. I met Father Luis in 2019 at my lowest moment at Vincentian,Thika. He encouraged me,guided me to come close to God and since then he is always a call away. We are previlaged to have you in our lives. Your words of encouragement, constantly checking up on US is pure blessing. Thank you praying for us! Thank you for the encouragement! Thank you for always giving hope! May God Bless you! We love you Father Luis !
Edwin Muthomi Edwin Muthomi from Nairobi wrote on November 16, 2023 at 4:18 pm
Congratulations on your Golden Jubilee Father, My name is Edwin Muthomi a member of the movement communion and liberation. I am listening to The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, a classical piece I think you would like because of its beauty, and vibrance. I can use these two words to describe your personality and what I think you have encountered. I first met you for the first time during the mass at the clergy home after the charity work of the movement Communion and Liberation. I admired your passion for Christ and more so calling CHRIST our elder brother amazes me. This personal and intimate relationship with Christ is what I always yearn for and I keep asking Christ to always keep his memory fresh in my mind and heart. I remember one day after we had practiced the readings for the mass with you, I told you that I was waiting for the results of an interview I had gone to during the week and so you pray for me. You told me not to worry because I came to glorify God. These words are daily shaping my life. Living to glorify God as Father Giussani writes, “EXISTENCE AS AN OFFERING GOD.” I understood you told me to glorify for the sake of glorifying. Practicing readings with you too is a great form of asking God because your way is unique. During these beautiful moments in the sacrist, I ask the Lord to make me understand what you require and what he requires from me. While sometimes I don’t get all the instructions, I find joy in the fact that I offered that moment to the Lord. May you always find joy and fulfillment in this beautiful pilgrimage to our Father’s House.
ROSITA FALCÃO CAIADO ROSITA FALCÃO CAIADO from Bromley uk wrote on November 16, 2023 at 3:39 pm
Dear Luis congratulations on reaching this milestone. Your achievements are awesome, may God bless and keep you in good health to carry on his work. I must mention here that I was so happy to see you photograph, you look radiant & fulfilled. God bless you Rosita
Philomena de Costa Philomena de Costa from Sydney wrote on November 16, 2023 at 9:47 am
Congratulations dear Luis on completing 50 golden years in the priesthood. May God bless you always.
Carol, Kaitlyn and Sienna Carol, Kaitlyn and Sienna from Montreal wrote on November 16, 2023 at 9:26 am
Dear Father Luis, Congratulations on your 50th anniversary! The Golden one!!! My daughters, Kaitlyn and Sienna, and I are truly blessed to have you in our lives , albeit very, very far away! Your positive contributions to the community and the church have inspired positive change. You are worthy of honor and deserve the greatest celebrations. Your uncanny ability to remember each and every occasion from birthdays to deaths simply amazes me. You take the time to keep in touch and to keep friendship alive . Thank you for being there and for the very thoughtful messages. Good Cheers to many more years of carrying out the Lord's work. May God continue to bless you today and always. Congrats !!!Carol, Kaitlyn & Sienna .
Sam Raimondo and family Sam Raimondo and family from Buffalo, NY wrote on November 16, 2023 at 2:52 am
Dearest Father Luis, Hearty congratulations to you on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of your ordination. You are an inspiration to individuals and the faith community in Kenya. You chose God and have been a good disciple leading his flock to a deeper understanding of our faith and need for service to others. You are blessed in your ministry and in turn you bless us the Church community, by your unshakeable faith and generosity toward others. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do inspiring and enriching us in our Catholic faith. You are a fine example of great contributions of Goans to Kenya . Meeting you for a birthday at the Goan Gymkhana was one of the incredible memories I will hold forever. God bless you abundantly.
Tina D'Costa Tina D'Costa from Natick, MA wrote on November 15, 2023 at 9:12 pm
Dearest Luis, Congratulations on this your 50th Golden Jubilee. it has been great, to have witnessed through the years, with what devotion and dedication you have carried out your Priestly duties in spite of some difficulties. You have always been very comforting both in sad and happy times. May the Good Lord watch over you and protect you in the coming years.
Mark Maxwell Mark Maxwell from Nairobi wrote on November 15, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Congratulations as you celebrate your Golden Jubilee of 50 years since your ordination as a priest. I would like to take this ample time to wish you many more years of blessings from God and many more years of priesthood. Continue with the good work of spreading the message of God to others. HAPPY GOLDEN JUBILEE Fr.
Sr Rose Mwangi Sr Rose Mwangi from Nairobi wrote on November 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm
I am so thrilled to read your priesthood journey dear Fr Saldanha. Your ambitious dreams were never lost. There is a special gift that each one of us receives. The worst mistake is when one doesn't recognise and use it for God's glory. But to you Fr, cheers. You never sat and looked for sympathy. You tapped your gift and through it you have touched many lives. You really encouraged me when I lost my lovely grandfather. Though I felt like the world had crashed, reading your messages gave me a lot of hope. Congratulations once again on this achievement. You have overcome so many obstacles. Your perseverance is an inspiration to everyone you meet. Keep strong, keep moving, keep close to your master who has taken you this far. Happy and blessed golden jubilee.
Tyrone & Freda D'Souza Tyrone & Freda D'Souza from Nairobi wrote on November 15, 2023 at 11:22 am
Dear Father Luis Saldanha, Congratulations on your 50th Golden Jubilee! May the good Lord continue to bless you abundantly in your priestly ministry and may He grant you continued strength and good health in the years ahead. God Bless You Father Luis! All the very best, Tyrone, Freda and family.
Lilian Lilian from Kenol wrote on November 15, 2023 at 9:38 am
Its a blessing to celebrate 50 years of priesthood, you are a blessing to us fr Luis. I remember the days I used to come to church praying for a job and you would tell me that,"at the right time God would make it possible"and indeed God blessed me and I came back to tell you the good blessed me with a rosary which I still have. you are living proof that all things happen together for good to those who are called according to God's purpose you are able to see and make connection from the heart and serve better.May God bless and keep you.from my daughter Stephanie and I we wish you happiness as you celebrate your golden jubilee.
Belivia Da Costa Fernandes Belivia Da Costa Fernandes from Rochester, New York wrote on November 15, 2023 at 6:47 am
Dear Fr. Luis Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary. Wow, hard to believe how time has gone by. Our days at DRGS were some of the best years of my life. Sadly after Kenya’s independence things changed and a lot of us left for other parts of the world to start our new lives. You left for Rome to study to become a priest. Fortunately we kept in touch and when I got married in 1968 I was so touched to receive a Papal blessing from Pope John Paul II that you sent me. This framed blessing has always had a prominent place at the entrance of my home. Fr. Luis, Adolf and I and my entire family want to thank you for your friendship, prayers and continued support all these many years. Your calls on our birthdays, anniversaries and not to forget my children and grandkids on their birthdays. Also your prayers for all our deceased family members which has meant a lot. Your advice and comforting words during difficult times have been a great source of consolation. I enjoy our regular calls catching up on all the gossip and trying to solve the world problems! So happy your brother and sister-in-law are there to celebrate this milestone with you. God bless you with good health, joy and happiness to carry on his ministry. Karen, Ken and family send their best wishes. Congratulations and God bless. Enjoy the festivities. Lots of love. Belivia
Vivienne D’Silva Vivienne D’Silva from London UK wrote on November 15, 2023 at 2:56 am
My dear Fr Luis, what a wonderful honour it is to congratulate you on this auspicious day. Your Golden Jubilee. I loved the way you simply mention that you met Pope John Paul and Mother Teresa , how cool is that! I know you as my classmate and I was so happy to read Cleto’s message and that of Austin’s too. How proud we are of you and of having a padre in our midst, our very own padre. Although it was annoying that at end of term in school, you always managed to bag the No 1 spot when the results were announced!!! I always remember an essay you wrote about your mum, she was very special to you and your love for her and your family has alway shone through. You have so much love to give and it you give it so willingly. Your lovely and supportive messages to me (and to many people as I can see from previous messages) have been so comforting in our days of sadness or trouble. I truly admire your hunger for knowledge and I can see that in the way you have embraced technology and applied it to overcoming some of the issues your sight loss have created. Your joy in everything you do and everyone you come across is so apparent. I add my congratulations to the multitude of others you have received. I thank God for your presence in my life, send you loads of love and that of Candice. Enjoy the celebration and may God always bless you Vivienne
Julio Julio from Vancouver, Canada wrote on November 15, 2023 at 12:26 am
Dearest Uncle Father Luis, You are a jewel and a blessing to everyone who encounters you and our family is no different. You've been there through the very lowest times in our lives as well as the most joyful - whether it be in person or miles away in writing. I truly am grateful for your steadfast commitment to loving me and my family. I am 110% confident that the miracles that have happened in my life have come about in part because of your intercession. Congratulations on this amazing milestone of 50 years as a priest and may God continue to bless you and fill you with His spirit. Lots and lots of love, Julio, Kim, Chiara, Azelie and Gianna
Paolo Lobo Paolo Lobo from Langley, BC wrote on November 14, 2023 at 11:57 pm
Uncle Father Luis! It's been a real blessing have you in our lives and present at so many of our family's milestones. The highlight for me would be seeing you behind the altar at our wedding at Holy Trinity Church in 2014. Few people have the ability to make their love felt from across the globe like you do - your constant flow of prayerful and soul-lifting messages that decorate each of our birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions have kept us wrapped in cozy spiritual blankets ever since I moved to Canada many years ago. It is a privilege for me to be able to return the favour on this YOUR special milestone. May God continue to bless you with an overflowing cup of love that you so naturally pass on to the rest of us. Love from all of us here in Langley: Noemi, Ayla, Everly, Debbie and Paolo.
Caroline Ndegwa Caroline Ndegwa from Nairobi wrote on November 14, 2023 at 11:24 pm
Congratulations to you Fr Saldanha, on your 50th anniversary of priesthood. Am proud to have an opportunity to walk with you through this journey. You are an amazing person and priest , with a heart of God. I wish you many more years in God's vineyard. Am glad that I came to know you. You are a blessing to me
Rebecca Oyugi Rebecca Oyugi from Limuru wrote on November 14, 2023 at 7:34 pm
Congratulations Padre! May the good Lord continue to shower His blessings upon you and walk with you in your vocation. May He shower you every single day with little portions of His wisdom, knowledge and mostly Love. May the Lord bless and keep you.
Peter Mathenge Peter Mathenge from Elizabeth New Jersey wrote on November 14, 2023 at 7:11 pm
As you celebrate 50 yrs in his service,my prayer for you Father Luis May our good Lord continue blessing you with good health and vaguer as as you bless us in Christ’s service.
Victor Miako Victor Miako from Nairobi wrote on November 14, 2023 at 5:48 pm
Congratulations Fr.Saldanha.You are a true inspiration into my life.I pray to God to keep you to show his greatness.Amen
Peter Rodrigues Peter Rodrigues from London wrote on November 14, 2023 at 5:03 pm
Dear Luis, As you celebrate 50 years of priesthood,please accept my warmest felicitations on your milestone. I still remember with fondness ,our time together as classmates in DRGS. Sadly,we haven’t met since those days,and we haven’t had much contact,but I hear a lot about your personal ministry in Kenya. Keep up your wonderful ministry. Kind regards Peter
Nino Nino from Nairobi wrote on November 14, 2023 at 4:48 pm
Carissimo Father Saldana, La ringrazio per la pazienza nell'accogliermi e per tutti i buoni consigli che mi dà. Il Signore le renderà in abbondanza.
David David from Nairobi wrote on November 14, 2023 at 1:41 pm
About fours years ago, my heart was very weary (as I am today) and I decided to visit Queen of Apostles Catholic Church to pray. That's where I met Fr. Luis. It was also the very first time I saw a 'blind' priest. How could this be possible? I wondered. I had my confession with him and he asked me to visit again so we could speak again. I went back a day later and the chat we had changed my life. It was as if a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders. As you turn 50 years into your vocation, I pray that God gives you more grace and life to take care of his sheep. Thank you Fr. Luis, and please pray for me.
Caroline Ng'ong'a Caroline Ng'ong'a from Nairobi wrote on November 14, 2023 at 10:17 am
Words cannot express my joy in celebrating your priesthood anniversary. For the short time I got to know you while at the Queen of Apostles Seminary, my life changed. I would come for confessions to you. I loved the mass, especially, the way you lift your congregation up spiritually, it is something. I met you when I came for confessions and you were standing at the door waiting for a taxi and you asked me whether there was one around since you had called for one and that you were not able to see. Your love, softness and humility at confession is great in winning souls back to Christ. Your yearly beautiful birthday wishes to me and the assured prayers. May our good Lord continue to bless you as you serve His flock. May He continue to be your strength as you celebrate your Jubilee Year in priesthood and may God grant you the grace to celebrate many more. Be assured of my prayers. Barikiwa Padre
Stella maris Otieno Stella maris Otieno from Nairobi Kenya wrote on November 14, 2023 at 9:49 am
Happy 50th Anniversary Fr.Luis.May God who you have served dedicatedly meet you at your point of need.Pray for us as we pray for you.Shine Fr and many more Anniversaries to come your way. Stella Otieno
Naomi Mutegi Naomi Mutegi from Nairobi wrote on November 14, 2023 at 8:27 am
Congratulations Fr for your service to God and to humanity. May God's blessings be upon you and give you more graces to serve him indeed you are a blessing to many. Congratulations congratulations congratulations.
Megan Kossowan and Family Megan Kossowan and Family from Calgary Alberta Canada wrote on November 14, 2023 at 6:52 am
Our dearest Uncle Father Luis! Words cannot express how delighted and proud we are to celebrate your 50 years of priesthood! Heck, I haven't even been alive that long!!! Despite the distance between Kenya and Canada, you have never failed to be there for me and my family through all the ups and downs. You are lovingly referred to as our Uncle Father Luis and hold the most special place in our lives. Our boys will ask why we call you that, and we explain to them that you hold a very close place next to God, but are also their Uncle! You never miss a special occasion and I can always count on a message from you celebrating us. Thank you for always keeping us close to you. We love you and celebrate you on this very momentous occasion!
Colleen & Osie D'Souza Colleen & Osie D'Souza from Mississauga, Canada wrote on November 14, 2023 at 1:33 am
Dear Luis: Warmest congratulations on celebrating 50 years in the service of the Lord. Your steadfast devotion and faith are an inspiration to us all. May your selfless acts of love and compassion continue to touch the hearts of many and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide you as you journey on in the years ahead. We met last when Maurice brought us to visit you in Ruaraka - I believe you had recently moved there and proudly showed us around your "new" digs. Happy Golden Anniversary and God Bless you always. Much love from us all, Maurice, Osie & Colleen.
Barbara Barbara from Nairobi wrote on November 13, 2023 at 11:51 pm
Fr. Saldanha, congratulations on the jubilee celebration. God has been faithful. I thank God for having known you. We brought you our 1st born son on his 8th day to church, found you, you prayed for and blessed him. We thank you for we know your words that he may grow to know,serve and love God are true to gis life. You remain a blessing to us as family. God keep you safe always Father!
Maryconsolata Maryconsolata from Nairobi wrote on November 13, 2023 at 11:10 pm
Thank you Lord for fr.Luis.You called him to serve you and today we celebrate 50 years of priesthood. Fr. Saladana you are a true Icon and special jewel.May our good Lord keep you safe as you are such an inspiration to us. Happy 50th anniversary padre.
Christine Christine from Nairobi wrote on November 13, 2023 at 10:27 pm
Congratulations Fr. Saldanha, may God Give you many more years to serve Him. I feel privileged that I still attend mass where you are the celebrant. Your commitment encourages me always seeing you celebrate mass yet you lost your sight. I have received many gifts from you God bless. My children love you, they always talk about the gifts you give them. Congratulations again Fr.
Mary nkirote Aka wamutash maryta. Mary nkirote Aka wamutash maryta. from Nairobi wrote on November 13, 2023 at 4:36 pm
For fifty golden treasured years, you have served God well each day, you have given guidance, help, and strength to others on life's way and the faith that you have shown. For every deed and prayer ,God bless you now and forever and keep you in his care we love you father
Vanessa de Souza Vanessa de Souza from Nairobi wrote on November 13, 2023 at 1:30 pm
Fr Luis, I am grateful that I got to meet this year, especially as this is the year when you celebrate 50 years of devotion and service to the good Lord. You have touched my heart with your kindness and thoughtfulness and I am sure that you have touched countless other hearts. Congratulations on attaining this milestone in your book of life.
Fiona A. Ouma Fiona A. Ouma from Nairobi wrote on November 12, 2023 at 4:36 pm
50 years a Priest! Indeed it is a joyful moment as you celebrate this Great milestone. You have been a Blessing in my life and always walked with me. I thank God for you and continue praying that He Blessing you with good health and many more years as you Serve Him in His Vineyard. Happy Golden Jubilee Father. Fiona Awuor Ouma
Dawn Myburgh Dawn Myburgh from Pringle Bay, Western Cape, South Africa wrote on November 12, 2023 at 9:29 am
Many years ago I was lucky enough to be introduced to Fr Luis through a mutual friend and a few books from the Worcester School for the Blind. It has been an extra-ordinary journey, through celebrations, of life and death......sickness and health and even dark nights of the soul. Somehow his messages and phone calls have always been timeous.... reaching out with love and patience and always JOY. At the time I was living and working with my beloved Johann on a small farm, growing organic vegetables. Over the years much has children have immigrated (my daughter and family living in Israel and my son and his family in Switzerland) and after Johann's sudden passing in 2012 I moved to this small coastal village. Throughout it all, my constant was these "little" messages of encouragement and light. Thank you Fr Luis for your care and may God continue to bless you and keep you for years to come....and oh yes, Ma'zal Tov on your 50 year celebrations. Much love and many blessings. Dawn
CLETO DOURADO CLETO DOURADO from Calgary Alberta Canada wrote on November 12, 2023 at 2:30 am
Dearest Luigi, This is how my family affectionately know you. Firstly, sincere congratulations on your 50 years of being in the priesthood. I believe I can honestly claim to be your longest standing buddy from Standard 1 at DRGS. We hit it off right away and not long after, you invited me to your home at recess time, where your mum made us delicious bowls of porridge. How I looked forward to these breaks, and you did not disappoint. Academically you were El Supremo, always first in class, and I somehow revelled in this. You were as well an all rounder, and how excited we both were to make the school XI in field hockey and so were able to continue our camaraderie on the field as well as off. Your true sense of loyalty was never more evident than when in Form 4, I with six others were suspended. The sight of you parading and protesting with a penknife held up high, in front of Principal Neves' office demanding justice was a sight. So funny, If it was not a such a serious allegation (we were exonerated a few days later). We kept in touch while you were in Rome, and then resumed the friendship when you returned. Margaret, you and I got together often for a movie, coffee, or just a drive out. I left Nairobi in 1974, and the next time we met in person was in 1979, when Margaret and I came to Nairobi. Since then, we feel so blessed that you are constantly in the lives of my immediate family. Eamon and Megan lovingly refer to you as Uncle Fr. Luis. Just as you do with the rest of the class of '63, you always remember significant dates in our lives. WhatsApp has been a godsend for us as we can chat often. We share amongst other things our love for the spoken word-you with E books and me with a book in my hand (Daniel Silva comes to mind) Well dearest brother from a different mother, I wish you continued joy and success in your ministry. With much love Cleto
Edith Odhiambo Edith Odhiambo from Nairobi wrote on November 11, 2023 at 4:08 pm
Congratulations Fr Saldanha on your Golden Jubilee! All I can say is that I am grateful for the opportunity God gave me by meeting you. You have been a blessing ever since. Words are not enough to express my joy. Only the good Lord can and will reward you! Love, Mama Strawberry!
Melissa antao Melissa antao from Nairobi wrote on November 11, 2023 at 6:59 am
Dearest father Luis. Congratulations on your golden jubilee anniversary!! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for me and my family. We are blessed to have you in our lives. I wish you all the very best!! Xx
Nicholas D'lima Nicholas D'lima from Nairobi wrote on November 10, 2023 at 12:32 pm
Fr Luis please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the Golden Jubilee anniversary of your ordination. You have served the faithful, especially seniors and the sick, with distinction. May God continue blessing you and your ministry.
Lucy Ndirangu Lucy Ndirangu from Nairobi wrote on November 10, 2023 at 6:07 am
Fr Saldana, congratulations on your 50th Anniversary. Sending you lots of hugs from my family, you have been a spiritual pillar to all of us. May God continue blessings you with greater talents and inspirations.
Elfi and Bona Almeida Elfi and Bona Almeida from Melbourne wrote on November 10, 2023 at 1:29 am
Dearest Fr. Luis! Congratulations on the Golden Jubilee of your Priesthood. Sending our love and prayers. Best wishes always xx
Jenny D’Souza Jenny D’Souza from Toronto Canada wrote on November 9, 2023 at 9:46 pm
Dear dear Fr. Luis. I am so very happy you are in my life Fr Luis. My deceased members of my family benefit so much from your masses. I met you in Nairobi and was very inspired by you. You are indeed a treasure trove. You were absolutely there for me during my illness you and You called me and even remembered the dates I went for chemo surgery and radiation. I was many miles away from you, yet u reached out to me when I desperately needed spiritual help and a dear friend. You keep a diary and know all the death anniversaries of my mum and dad, my Aunts and my brothers. You so kindly offer them your early morning masses on their anniversaries. Thx too for praying for my entire family clan. I always look forward to your chats with your spiritual comments they make me realize what a joy you are in our lives. Happy 50th Golden Jubilee. May God be with you and bless you abundantly always. Much love Jenny
BONIFACE NJUGUNA BONIFACE NJUGUNA from Nairobi clergy home wrote on November 9, 2023 at 6:54 am
Hello my friend? There is no one with whom I can share my tear's and fear's,if you were not here . Thanks for being my side,and always giving me a reasons to chears.Congratulation on your 50th Anniversary of Priesthood fr.saldana
Fernanda Da Gama Rose Fernanda Da Gama Rose from Nairobi wrote on November 7, 2023 at 7:48 pm
What a joy it is for me to wish you, Luis! Our friendship spans nearly sixty years, and you are and have been a special friend. You were an incredible support to Mum Noronha, bringing her Holy Communion for many years and officiating at her funeral. You also continue to always remember and pray for each and every member of my family. What more could anyone ask for? I cherish our friendship and appreciate your continued spiritual guidance. Heartiest Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary of priesthood!
Isabella Isabella from Nairobi wrote on November 7, 2023 at 8:27 am
Dear Fr Saldanha Please accept my congratulations on your Golden Jubilee. Its an auspicious occasion and we happy to partake in it. You have been a blessing to Maria, Jack and I over the years and we truly appreciate your presence in our lives. On this your special day, I wish you good health and happiness and God's choicest blessings
Agnes Marshall Agnes Marshall from UK wrote on November 6, 2023 at 9:47 pm
Dearest Father, Ever since we met at VRC Thika, you have been my rock when it comes to matters faith. You Are a true friend and an inspiration to me and my family. Thank you for being my Guardian and watching over me with love, prayer and support. Above all, I am grateful that you responded to God’s call to serve Him with zeal and vigour. May He continue to use you to provoke thoughts through your homilies and bring joy to many in his vineyard. I so love and cherish you my friend Guardian and Father. Congratulations!!
Angela Muthoni Nyaga aka mama Keyshia Angela Muthoni Nyaga aka mama Keyshia from Nairobi wrote on November 6, 2023 at 5:21 pm
Congratulations father Luis!!! Indeed, we owe God all the gratitude. 50 years in priesthood is so amazing... The mass/dinner, and event link .is noted. May God continue blessing you
Dr Melvin D'lima Dr Melvin D'lima from Nairobi wrote on November 6, 2023 at 1:01 pm
You are a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom. Thank you for accepting us sinners the way we are yet leading us to heaven. May the good Lord bless your Ministry here on earth. We need you now more than at any other time in the last 50 years of your Ministry. May the Lord protect, strengthen and keep you in the years ahead. As Luke 10:2 reads ""The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few".
Nicodemus Minde Nicodemus Minde from Nairobi wrote on November 6, 2023 at 12:54 pm
Father Saldanha, congratulations on this great milestone. 50 years of priesthood is a great blessing. Ever since you came to my life through the Monday evening masses, I have experienced great transformation. You have blessed me and my family. When my son Nathan was born on 18 November, you always sent me and Joan a goodwill message. Nathan, Joan and I love you so much. God bless you and hearty congratulations. Nicodemus M
Austin Trinidade Austin Trinidade from San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago wrote on November 4, 2023 at 1:40 pm
Dearest Luis, heartfelt congratulations to a very dear friend and classmate. I cherish the memories of our school days especially the meeting every morning to walk to school and then the walk back home. God has blessed you with the gift of Ministry and I pray he continues to shower you with more. Love you.
Fr Tony Fernandes SDB Fr Tony Fernandes SDB from Farnborough, UK wrote on November 3, 2023 at 9:58 am
Dear Luis, I as a fellow classmate and sharing the same ministry, feel so proud of the milestone you have reached in the vineyard of the Lord. You have touched many peoples lives and given them a direction in their lives. May God continue to bless you. Congratulations.
Gaye Dcosta Gaye Dcosta from Watamu wrote on November 3, 2023 at 9:16 am
Good Afternoon Father. I wanted to thank you for you have done for me and my family the continued prayers and encouragement you give us at every step in our lives is priceless. I look forward to celebrating your Golden Jubliee with you and looking forward to many many more years together.